Due to venue restrictions, please run audio levels at 95dB PEAK from 3rd row.
- Load in wireless rack stage left, near drums
- Run power from wall to wireless rack
- Run digital snake from wireless rack to audio console at FOH (Red Road Case)
- Patch power, orange Cat6 to stage box, and purple Cat6 to GrandMA FOH input at wireless rack
- Load in audio console at FOH
- Patch the following inputs to FOH console
- Network to stage (Orange Cat6): A3232 DMI Card, Port 1
- Audio from video rack: Input Channels 1-6
- iPod Playback: Input Channel 15
- FOH talkback mic: Input Channel 16

- Set up speakers on top of subs at slight inward angle (LOCK CASTERS)
- Run stage snake from wireless rack to stage right
- Patch output A to Main L on wireless rack
- Patch output B to Sub L on wireless rack
- Run power for speakers and subs to stage boxes on front of stage (Red Road Case)
- Run
- Un-patch all cabling from FOH console EXCEPT iPod & Band Talk Back
- Close up console