The CWD (Campus Worship Director) or scheduled worship leader is expected to run and
oversee the soundcheck each week. For the sake of using our time wisely, the campus
director should be the only one communicating changes to the sound tech. Musicians
should not be yelling out ear changes.
1. Line Check
- Sound Tech communicates individuals to play for line check
2. Immediate, Severe Ear Changes
- Right after line check, the goal is to go directly into 90 seconds of a song; however, if a musician has unplayable ears, take a moment to work with sound tech to fix
- This is NOT a chance for everyone to make slight adjustments
- Here are some examples of when it would be necessary:
- The drummer has no sound coming from ears, or the click is unbearably loud
- The lead vocalist hears an unbearably loud instrument
- A musician’s mix has zero sound coming out
3. 90 Seconds
- Play through an intro, verse, and chorus. Ideally, this would be the first song
4. Round of Ears
- Musicians communicate ear changes needed to CWD starting from pack one. CWD then communicates changes to sound tech through the microphone
- Go in numerical order
- If mix 1 has another change after CWD moved on, wait until everyone finishes to go back to mix
5. Another 90 Seconds
- Play through another song. Encourage musicians to use this time to listen to their mixes and think through more needed changes
6. Round of Ears
- Again, start with Mix 1 and communicate with sound tech changes for each musician
- Depending on time, try to go through this process until all musicians have ideal monitor mixes