Slack is the application that VOX uses during the week and on Sunday mornings to communicate important information to campus production teams before and throughout Sunday services. This can be anything from livestream cues, Point-2-Point communications, or content changes. Slack is also where team leaders can ask questions to clarify details, as well as find tech support if it is needed.

Below are the four slack channels that we use for communications:


#general – this channel is the most important as it is the place you will find the most up to date information regarding video content, in stream changes, timings, and any information needed related to the service. This is an Admin post only channel, which means you will only see posts related to the service and not be able to reply. This channel is open to everyone to view.

#prodtechsupport – this channel is for technical support issues or questions that might come up during the week or Sunday morning services. This channel is currently only open to Campus Pastors and Production Leads, but members can be added as requested by campuses.

#campuspastors – this channel is a private channel for communication between Campus Pastors and Central Production. This is an invite only channel and is not visible to the public.

#prodleads – this channel is for communication between Campus Production Leads and Central Production. Members can be added as requested by Campus Pastors.


#general – prior to the event, information regarding video content, stream and what the campuses should know will be posted in this chat. Should any changes be made prior to event starting or during event, you will find the most up to date information in this chat.

#prodtechsupport – should any issues come up during service, this will be an open chat that tech support needs can be discussed in. If the tech support personnel believes that the issue needs to be resolved one-to-one, they will either chat privately or call the person needing the support. If a support conversation shows to be a church wide issue, a message will be sent out on the #general chat alerting all other campuses.